Introduction to ChatGPT - Part 1
Understanding the basics
The "Introduction to ChatGPT" class provides a detailed walkthrough of ChatGPT, covering its brief history, capabilities, and practical applications. This course is designed to help participants effectively engage with ChatGPT by understanding basic terminology, setting up and navigating the interface, and mastering prompts.
Work Life Balance for Women in STEM
Strategies for Thriving at Work and Home
The "Work Life Balance for Women in STEM" workshop provides an open space for women in STEM industries to learn how to achieve a sustainable work life balance strategy. 50% of women who enter the technology field abandon it by the age of 35. Many cite poor work life balance and burnout. How can women manage responsibilities at home and at work with joy and ease?
Host your meetup, corporate meeting or private event!
The learning center is ready for private bookings as well as freely available for tech-focused meetup groups (schedule permitting).
- Capacity for up to 40 persons
- Dual 75” presentation screens
- Light/full catering available
- Adjacent parking garage
- Rates from $100 per hour